Welcome to Keiron Shooting Simulations
See this page for Keiron PRO
If you looking for the store go to jacstech.store.simplyblu.co.za/
** Please note that Aim and Fire of Hermanus, South Africa is no longer a dealer in Keiron products due to non-payment for stock. Contact [email protected] for info or support.
Take your dry fire training to the next level with a Keiron laser target. Run drills with your own firearm and a red or infrared laser training cartridge. Keiron reactive target systems are designed by shooters for shooters. The targets harness sophisticated technology to create a shooting simulation with immediate benefits to both new and experienced shooters alike.
For purchase information see the contacts page. Please check back regularly, there is a lot of info being added to the site. |
New Shooters |
Advanced Shooters |
For new users, the system creates the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their firearm in a safe environment. One may learn sight alignment, trigger squeeze and the general functioning of the firearm, all in perfect safety and in your home, without taking a trip to the range and working through lots of ammunition. With no recoil and muzzle blast, problems with sight alignment or trigger squeeze are easily identified and corrected.
Competitive ShootersCompetitive shooters can use Keiron targets at home to simulate competitive courses of fire. Complete stages can be set up using multiple Keiron targets, simulating virtually any real-life stage, no matter what shooting discipline is involved. Record your draw time, split times and final stage time using Keiron SPEED. A competition draw training mode allows you to refine your draw and first shot on target, or to evaluate different rigs and techniques to optimize your ability. Set up a stage in your home and evaluate different tactical strategies to optimize your accuracy and times.
Advanced shooters are already familiar with the benefits of dry fire, and will be able to fully utilize the advanced training modes in the Keiron system. It takes just a few minutes to set up different target configurations, allowing varied and frequent practice. Shoot your favorite drills, or perfect strategies and technique on new drills, all without leaving your home or spending on ammunition,
Law EnforcementFor those people who carry their firearms every day, either on duty or as responsible citizens, a dedicated concealed carry training mode allows different carry options (holsters, positions etc) to be evaluated, with the draw being practiced in safety until it becomes second nature. Use the other training modes to practice defensive drills in your home.
Contact us to hear more about the advanced simulations that may be created using multiple Keiron systems. Whether it's a team clearing a building or an airliner, Keiron PRO systems allow realistic training scenarios to be created and exercised. |
Before starting any dry fire training session, make sure your firearm is unloaded, cleared and safe. Visually and physically inspect the firearms chamber and any magazines to be used.
Remove all ammunition and unused magazines from the training environment, and lock them away in a separate location. Be absolutely sure there is NO live ammunition anywhere in the vicinity and that the firearm is unloaded and safe. Only then, insert the laser training cartridge.
A quick note on dry fire training
Dry fire training is vital to improve your shooting ability. When shooting live ammunition, the recoil pushes the firearm up and back. A persons automatic response to the recoil is to push back down on the pistol when the shot breaks to counteract the recoil, with this response becoming ingrained and automatic. This natural response leads to poor accuracy, with the shooter anticipating the recoil and moving the firearm during the trigger pull.
The correct method is to hold the firearm absolutely steady, with the sights perfectly aligned on the target while the trigger is squeezed, until the shot is fired. Logically, if the sights are perfectly aligned on a target and the firearm is steady at the moment the shot is fired, the target will be perfectly shot every time. The problem is that shooting a firearm is a very dynamic event, with a certain amount of noise, muzzle blast and recoil, all happening in only milliseconds, and when you realize you have missed the target it can be very hard for the shooter to diagnose exactly what went wrong. |
This is where dry-fire training is invaluable. With no muzzle blast, and no recoil causing the firearm to jump around, the shooter can practice the smooth trigger pull while holding the sights on target, and see exactly what is happening to the firearm and sight alignment from the moment the finger is placed on the trigger until the hammer falls. This is simply impossible to do when shooting live ammunition.
To ensure that you retain the good techniques learnt using dry fire, and do not relearn the bad habits unconsciously learnt when firing live ammunition, it is important to dry fire more often than shooting live ammunition. The problem is, dry firing your firearm at home, using an aiming point on the wall or a paper target gets old and boring pretty quickly, and it takes a dedicated shooter to have the discipline to practice this regularly, and sufficiently. But add in a laser training cartridge or a SIRT pistol or bolt, combine with several Keiron Reactive Targets, and not only will your dry fire training sessions be hugely enhanced, you will also have great fun along the way. |